Whitworth University / News / Release
Whitworth biology student wins top scholarship from the Center for Advanced Energy Studies
August 24, 2009

Dylan Laug, a junior majoring in biology at Whitworth University, has received a $3,000 scholarship from the Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES). The center, which is a public/private partnership between the Idaho National Laboratory, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the state of Idaho, through its three research universities—Boise State, Idaho State, and the University of Idaho—gives the scholarship to a student who has interned at the Idaho National Laboratory and who is interested in pursuing a career in an energy-related field.
Laug, who interned at the laboratory this summer, worked on the characterization and storage supply chain of cellulosic feedstocks that are used in bio-refineries.
"Upon earning my graduate degree, I hope to be able to address and quantify regional issues that may have significant influence in feasibility of various bio-refinery feedstocks across the United States and the globe," Laug says.
This is the second year that CAES has given out one $3,000 scholarship and seven $1,000 scholarships to student interns. The center launched the program last year to help fulfill its mission to increase the number of students entering energy-related fields. Recipients are selected based on an abstract each intern writes describing their internship work, as well as a brief essay about their career interests and the energy challenges facing the U.S. and the world.
"These students have an impressive array of career interests related to energy," says Oren Hester, deputy director of CAES. "Their interests range from nuclear energy, modeling and renewable energy to public policy and influencing public opinion."
The students who won the seven $1,000 scholarships this year hailed from Idaho State University, Boise State University, Kansas State University, Brigham Young University, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, North Carolina State University and Carnegie Mellon University.
CAES says it's committed to the scholarship program and plans to continue awarding scholarships in the future. For more information, visit http://www.caesenergy.org/.
Located in Spokane, Wash., Whitworth is a private, liberal arts university affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA). The university, which has an enrollment of 2,700 students, offers 55 undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
Kortny Rolston, Idaho National Laboratory, (208) 526-0962 or kortny.rolston@inl.gov
Emily Proffitt, public information officer, Whitworth University, (509) 777-4703 or eproffitt@whitworth.edu
Laug, who interned at the laboratory this summer, worked on the characterization and storage supply chain of cellulosic feedstocks that are used in bio-refineries.
"Upon earning my graduate degree, I hope to be able to address and quantify regional issues that may have significant influence in feasibility of various bio-refinery feedstocks across the United States and the globe," Laug says.
This is the second year that CAES has given out one $3,000 scholarship and seven $1,000 scholarships to student interns. The center launched the program last year to help fulfill its mission to increase the number of students entering energy-related fields. Recipients are selected based on an abstract each intern writes describing their internship work, as well as a brief essay about their career interests and the energy challenges facing the U.S. and the world.
"These students have an impressive array of career interests related to energy," says Oren Hester, deputy director of CAES. "Their interests range from nuclear energy, modeling and renewable energy to public policy and influencing public opinion."
The students who won the seven $1,000 scholarships this year hailed from Idaho State University, Boise State University, Kansas State University, Brigham Young University, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, North Carolina State University and Carnegie Mellon University.
CAES says it's committed to the scholarship program and plans to continue awarding scholarships in the future. For more information, visit http://www.caesenergy.org/.
Located in Spokane, Wash., Whitworth is a private, liberal arts university affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA). The university, which has an enrollment of 2,700 students, offers 55 undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
Kortny Rolston, Idaho National Laboratory, (208) 526-0962 or kortny.rolston@inl.gov
Emily Proffitt, public information officer, Whitworth University, (509) 777-4703 or eproffitt@whitworth.edu