Whitworth University / News / Release
Bill Robinson to deliver his final commencement address as Whitworth's president May 16
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Known for his relational and approachable style, Robinson has devoted much of his energy to connecting in person and in writing with students, employees and friends of the university. His award-winning monthly newsletter, Of Mind & Heart, is read by more than 20,000 people inside and outside the Whitworth community and has been one of Robinson's favorite vehicles for promoting Whitworth's distinctive mission.
Whitworth art professor selected as finalist for E-Merge 2010 Glass Competition

"This piece happened from studio 'play,'" Creyts says. "I had been working on pieces that were quite involved and taking a long time and I was feeling stressed – like I needed to produce more. This piece is a response to those feelings."
Whitworth hosts business plan competition for area schools
This year, 46 teams submitted plans in three project categories: social-enterprise, community-based, and student-generated. Fifteen teams were chosen to present their plans during the finals, on Tuesday, April 20, in Whitworth's Weyerhaeuser Hall; the presentation was followed by an awards ceremony and reception. The top nine teams included one team from Whitworth, six from Gonzaga, and two from SCC.
Whitworth graduate students Kelsey Morgenthaler, Matt Jeffries, Greg Caster, Nan Schrag and Chelsea Chen took home $3,500 for placing second in the social-enterprise category. The team's business plan, Side-by-Side Childcare Cooperative, would be a childcare center addressing Spokane's West Central community's unmet need for affordable childcare. Its unique cooperative design would allow parents and other community "team members" to vote on organizational decisions. Childcare services would be high-quality and low-cost, since parents and other volunteers would work as mentors to childcare specialists.
Following are all of the winning teams for each category:
- Community-based category: Good Greetings, Gonzaga (1st place); Level 1 Bar, SCC (2nd); New Timeless Woodworks, SCC (3rd)
- Social-enterprise category: Hospitality House, Gonzaga (1st); Side-by-Side Childcare Cooperative, Whitworth (2nd); Zambia Gold, Gonzaga (3rd)
- Student-generated category: Rent-a-Bike, Gonzaga (1st); Anderson Holdings, Gonzaga (2nd); Amebo, Gonzaga (3rd)
The plans submitted to the competition were judged by an independent panel of reviewers based on 10 criteria, including social return on investment, feasibility, scalability, funding, and quality of the operating and financial plans.
Faculty members from the Whitworth School of Global Commerce & Management assisted the Whitworth teams by providing academic and practical insight in areas including marketing, finance, e-commerce, legal issues and patents.
Major funding for the competition was provided by the Herbert B. Jones Foundation, Telect, Itron, and Avista Corp.
Located in Spokane, Wash., Whitworth is a private liberal arts university affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA). The university, which has an enrollment of 2,700 students, offers 55 undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
Dan Churchwell, lecturer, department of economics & business, Whitworth University, (509) 777-3885 or dchurchwell@whitworth.edu.
Emily Proffitt, public information officer, Whitworth University, (509) 777-4703 or eproffitt@whitworth.edu.
Whitworth political science alumna reflects on internship at the Center for Justice
But then Tuesday came and the voice and laughter of Holly Fauerso, '07, were missing.
Conspicuously missing. Missing like the way you'd miss the smell of croissants if you lived upstairs from a French bakery that had closed for a holiday. Missing like the way you'd miss a son or daughter, or brother or sister, leaving home with most of their belongings in tow.
In most of his public talks about the Center, Breean Beggs makes a point about what makes the Center for Justice different. It's not just what we do, it's also who gets to do so much of it. There is a conventional path to a legal career where you could, eventually, cut your chops in an important case. At the Center, young law and social work students and interns are thrown willingly into the fray of important cases all the time.
Holly's role was different. She wasn't a law student, and she wasn't looking to do a practicum in social work when we urgently recruited her in the summer of 2007 to, well, help run the place.
She was 22 at the time, and had just graduated from Whitworth where she'd studied under Julia Stronks, a distinguished professor of political science at the university. Professor Stronks sends lots of terrific young people our way, but what stood out to her about Holly, in addition to her "agile mind and terrific work ethic," is how engaged the young woman from Spokane Valley was in community involvement and social justice.
"The Center for Justice seemed to me to be a perfect place for Holly to see others committed to doing justice in the community," says Professor Stronks. "Often students think they can best serve the world by volunteering in food banks and at shelters. Holly seemed ready to make the next step and start to think through institutional ways to fight for justice for others."
In addition to basketball and track, Holly pursued community service work while she was a high school student at Valley Christian School. She got deeply involved in volunteer work, through an Explorer's program, with the Spokane Police Department. At Whitworth she was part of the Murdock Lives of Commitment project that encouraged students to explore and think about issues of citizenship and justice.
Thus, by the time Holly came to work at the Center, she'd already had remarkable learning experiences, including trips to Washington, D.C. and Indianapolis. In D.C. she'd gotten to see and hear then-Senator Barack Obama. In Indianapolis, she'd gotten to examine the economic and social justice aspects of gentrification.
But her most vivid experience, by far, was a month-long visit to South Africa during which she got to study the political and social history of the country. Her visit included home stays in the black townships created during the years of apartheid. She spent a day in Soweto and visited the Robben Island prison where Nelson Mandela was incarcerated for 18 of the 20 years he spent behind bars prior to becoming President of South Africa in 1994.
It was after the South Africa trip that Holly applied and interviewed with Suellen Pritchard, the Center's Community Advocacy coordinator, for an internship at the Center for Justice. The interview went very well. But before the Center could make its decision on who would fill the position, Holly got another offer to intern at a local affordable housing agency, which she accepted.
But Suellen didn't forget the interview. She'd been deeply impressed and, months later, the Center took advantage of an unusual opportunity which arose when the Spokane Neighborhood Action Programs (SNAP) found itself with an extra Americorps/Vista position. The Center asked for the position, which is limited to organizations that address poverty, and with SNAP's approval, set out to fill it.
Suellen knew the person she wanted and, this time, she wasn't going to let her slip away. The immediate problem is that time was short and Holly was in Manhattan, staying at a hostel, where she was helping friends with the offstage work on a remarkable social and musical project. It was the heralded reunion concert of the indie band Dispatch which had gotten back together for a Madison Square Garden concert – "Dispatch: Zimbabwe" – to raise money for charities working to fight disease, famine and social injustice in the failing African country that borders South Africa to the north.
So there Holly was in Manhattan, being urgently recruited on the phone by Suellen. who, as Holly and so many others can attest to, is hard to say no to. Within days, she was back in Spokane and then quickly off to Utah to begin her VISTA training. She would join the Center the following month as our Outreach Coordinator.
"Holly has an amazing energy," says Suellen, "and she had amazing energy in the community. I mean she was the perfect person for the outreach position because she's easy to talk to, and related to the clientele. She understood, without judgment."
Which is all true. And when Holly recounts her hiring and entry process from her perspective she punctuates the story with her signature laugh and an array of Holly Fauerso facial expressions in which her eyes work like the old Smother's Brothers comedy team.
A good chunk of Holly's early work was to do a community needs assessment that was and still is being used to guide the Center's community outreach and service activities. But there were also countless support tasks, primarily for Community Advocacy, that required the traits that Julia Stronks had noted about Holly: her "agile" mind and work ethic.
"Even at the housing agency," Holly says, "they'd hired me to work on marketing. I get there. I'm not working on marketing. I'm working on mortgages, or I'm helping the mortgage loan broker. So, it was the type of thing where I didn't really have the choice. So you can be upset or frustrated, or you can just go along with it. And I learned a lot about credit. I learned a lot about what to do and what not to do if, say, you're trying to buy a house and you're a little bit below the income guidelines. Different things like that, and how to work with people, and how to organize open house events so people can find out about our services."
At CFJ, two of Holly's major projects were the free legal service program, "Street Law," and the Justice Clinics where the Center goes out to community centers to serve low-income residents who need legal advice.
The pace of the work is a constant challenge, but Holly says she'd developed an appreciation for the "transformative process" of the experiences she'd worked so hard to facilitate.
"I think in some ways the essence of it is to try to look at each person as a new person, and every problem as a new problem," she observes. "The concept is to be holistic, to respect people's dignity regardless of whether we can help them. That's how I understand Community Advocacy."
Suellen and Holly shared an office back by the Center's main conference room and it was hard to miss the interplay between their two personalities. Suellen has an unmistakable velocity, and Holly a natural patience that is inherently calming.
"It just helps when we can keep each other in check," Holly told me when I asked about their obvious good chemistry. "Sometimes Suellen will get stressed out and I'll say, 'Suellen, you have the stress face. What's going on?' Or I'm saying to her, 'The world's not going to crash just because you're desk is crowded with all these clients and all their issues. You need to take a step back.' And she'll ask, 'Am I?' And I'll say, 'yeah.'"
Suellen, for her part, was dreading coming back from Kansas, knowing that Holly would have already left for Portland, Ore., where she's starting a new job this month.
"She's just been a ray of sunshine in my office, seriously," Suellen says. "She's just good karma, plain good karma. She's so willing to do the right thing and make a difference in her community and in her own world, in her family's world, in her work world. She's just willing to do the right thing."
As she was saying her goodbyes, I asked Holly what she thought her life would be like in 10 years and, of course, her first instinct was to roll her eyes and look at me as if I'd asked her to paint a picture of extraterrestrial life in the Triangulum Galaxy.
"I want to be helping people," she said, once her face came to rest. "I'm not sure how that's going to look, but I know it will be on some type of social justice issue."
Whitworth theology alum reflects on internship at the Center for Justice, time spent in Africa
"It grows you up in a hurry," is how Michael puts it.
"I learned a lot from it, absolutely," he says. "And what I learned at the Center for Justice, more than anything was the confidence I gained in having the experience and learning how to work with people."
By the time Michael arrived at CFJ, he'd already traveled to Africa with a contingent of other Whitworth students to learn about South African culture, history and government. He'd enjoyed it so much that he wanted to go back and as he approached graduation in 2007 he and two of his fellow Whitworthians decided to look for ways to return to South Africa to work.
"We didn't have much of a plan," Michael recalls, "It was pretty much that we wanted to do Peace Corps type work, but do it in our own way."
Their plans for South Africa unraveled but, in short order, an opportunity opened up for them in Uganda through their contact with a new Steamboat Springs, Colorado, based organization named Come Let's Dance, a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering African youth.
The new plan was for the three of them to go to Kampala and work with orphans and cast off children struggling to survive on the crowded streets of Uganda's capital. And they did. Much of the work for Michael was as a patient advocate for children who needed medical assistance. He would take them to hospitals, stay with them, advocate for their care, and make sure their bills got paid. It was, he says, a terrific way to get to know Ugandan youngsters and understand what their lives were like.
As per their plan, Michael's two friends from Whitworth chose to leave Uganda after a year. But he decided to stay. In simplest terms, he was enjoying the experience. Living in English -- speaking tropical Uganda was not, he found, "a huge culture shock," once he learned how to get by with less than he was used to in the states and enjoy staples like boiled plantain. He'd also made friendships among Ugandans who took time to care and look out for him. Among other things, they'd learned of his education in religious studies and invited him to visit their churches.
"I felt a lot was unfinished," he says about his decision to stay in Uganda and move from the inner city of Kampala out to a less developed (electricity, but not running water) village just on the outskirts of the city.
"I learned a lot about the value of human relationships," he says, "about the importance of dropping in and visiting people, about slowing your day down to make time to visit."
And this was also a part of the Michael Novasky that Suellen Pritchard recognized from his days working in Spokane at the Center for Justice.
"He was a very caring soul," she says. "He really was. He was never hurried about anything but a very smart, unflappable and very articulate."
And voraciously curious. One of the reasons Michael wasn't ready to leave Uganda is that "by accident," he says, he stumbled upon the literature department at Kampala's Makerere University. A religion and speech communications double-major at Whitworth, he says he was drawn to study African literature and was able to do so because the teachers at Makerere allowed him to audit their classes. This is how he was able to study novelist Ngugi wa Thiong'o, dramatist Francis Imbuga and a number of the continents poets, including Ugandan Okot p'Bitek.
For the next two years he lived on the outskirts of Kampala on a subsistence budget, studying African literature and, in general, learning about himself and the lives of the people around him.
Ask him the obvious question, "Why?" and he doesn't settle for an easy answer. Above all, he says, his experience in Uganda provided a learning experience on how to fit into a new society and, with that experience, reflect on how "I fit into my society."
"It's a hard question to answer," he says. "Inevitably some people see it as running away. Some people even cynically say 'you were running away.' The truth is that maybe there is some of that. I wasn't quite ready to engage my career path. To me it's about learning about yourself in a lot of different contexts, how you're adjusting, and how you're contributing."
Michael continued to think about the question after our interview and, a few hours later, sent me a note. He said he didn't want to be portrayed as having gone to Uganda for purely humanitarian reasons or on some exalted journey to find himself. He summed up his two "key lessons" this way:
1) The value of learning to continually, or at least periodically, challenge and question yourself…and even the people, society, or structures around you. This CAN be a healthy thing.
2) The need to build quality relationships and the skill it takes to maintain them.
"Many people may notice that this aligns with the Center's values," he added.
Whitworth journalism alumna reflects on internship at the Center for Justice, travels in Southeast Asia
"I was afraid to talk to people on the phone," she remembers. "I really had a fear of it."
It's a laughing matter now because I'm on the phone with her while she's taking a short lunch break from her job as a one-woman news bureau in southern California's Coachella Valley (Palm Springs, Joshua Tree National Park). Among other things, I'm asking her what was going through her mind in May of 2008 when, only recently having overcome her fear of telephones, she defied the military government of Myanmar (Burma) to smuggle in medical supplies and smuggle out video and news photos in the wake of a natural disaster.
"I didn't realize how dangerous it was until I left [Myanmar]," she says, even though one of her vivid memories is of a Burmese soldier cocking his gun at her and a companion as they tried to circumvent a checkpoint and approach the house of dissident Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi.
Suellen Pritchard leans back in her chair and smiles when asked what she remembers about meeting Jessica Davis for the first time. It was January 2006 and Davis, feeling bored and restless, wanted to do some community service. It just so happened that the university's community service coordinator–fellow Whitworth student Alise Delzell–was on her way up to the Center to scout out possible internships. So Davis hitched a ride with Delzell and became, in short order, one of the first students from Whitworth to become an intern at the Center's Community Advocacy (CA) program.
"Do you remember what she needed help with?" I ask Suellen.
"Talking to people," Suellen replies. "She was very shy. Not really withdrawn but very shy. I remember that about her, because when I found out she was working for The Whitworthian (the Whitworth University student newspaper) I was shocked. I was like, 'Jessica Davis is working for the Whitworthian? Are you serious?"
Alise Delzell, who's now the Operations Director at the Spokane affiliate of Boys and Girls Clubs of Spokane, has a similar recollection.
"She's not a wallflower," Delzell says affectionately about Davis, "she has a strong presence, but it's a quiet presence."
And so they went to work. Suellen and Jessica. In 2006, all the CA interns were packed into the fishbowl and Suellen asked her shyest intern to watch and listen as she and the others took calls. And then Suellen would ask Davis to give it a try.
"It was kind of like watching a flower bloom," Suellen says. "She was just kind of closed when she came in. And when she left, she was nothing like that. She was able to just rock on the phones. There was this remarkable change, all in one semester, and it flowed over into her Whitworth reporting as well, because I remember I was just like, 'where did this girl come from?' She was just amazing."
Suelen has vivid memories of both Davis and Delzell, who also went to work for her in the CA program. In her black binders and on her Facebook page, Pritchard now has hundreds of faces and names and stories of interns who've spent a good chunk of time not just learning the ropes in CA, but literally allowing the program to exist on such a modest budget relative to the hundreds of clients the program helps.
When Suellen became the Community Advocacy coordinator at the Center–not long before Davis and Delzell made their visit–she could only think in terms of the work the Center would be doing for our clients. What she didn't anticipate is what it would do for the interns, how the experience in the trenches of fighting for the poor, disadvantaged, and disabled would propel them to make giant strides in their personal growth.
"I never thought of that portion of it when we started Community Advocacy," she says. "At first, I was just overwhelmed. I thought 'I'm never going to be able to pull this off because I'm going to be constantly training. And, you know, what is their (the interns) level of learning going to be? Am I going to have all these personalities to cope with. I'd never been in a manager's position, or done anything like it. But Jessica was among the first students who came in and every single one of them was just amazing in their own way. For me it's been such a gift to work with all these students who are on the same mission as I am, to change the world in the same way. They want to make a difference. They love it."
As a young woman doing her internship at a law firm, Jessica Davis says her experience at the Center for Justice gave her several important lessons and one of them, a bit ironically, is that she really had no interest in becoming a lawyer.
"When I did the work for the Center for Justice," she says, "I realized that my talents weren't in the law. It helped me realize that I was going in the right direction."
The direction was toward journalism. But even that path led her to what can, for some, be a sticky dilemma in that there can be a big difference between exercising compassion and the ostensibly dispassionate practice of reporting.
Jessica doesn't see it that way, or at least not in a way that presents her with an irreconcilable conflict.
"First, I'm a human being," she says. "And as a human being I value justice. I believe journalism provides justice in ways that are similar to the Center for Justice, because we [journalists] give voice to the voiceless. We are often giving a voice to people who can't speak for themselves."
As Jessica got deeper into her studies and her work as a reporter for the student newspaper at Whitworth she says she began to realize she had "a huge hole in my education" and that she "really needed to travel abroad and challenge my world view."
For her senior year she had the opportunity to study either in Asia or Africa. She chose Asia and relocated to the University of Hong Kong where she shared her dormitory room with Chinese medical students.
"Because I was such a fast writer," she says, "I finished my course work early."
And that gave her an opportunity to do other things, including teaching English in southwest China and traveling to Malaysia and Singapore. What she discovered she enjoyed the most was her time in Muslim parts of Asia where she found the people remarkably friendly and laid back.
"I'd never been to a country where there was the call to prayer, such a change in the rhythm to time, and the remarkably different architecture. Their whole way of approaching life is so different than ours."
She decided to stay in the Far East longer than she'd originally planned, making trips, blogging and freelancing articles.
Jessica had already made arrangements to visit Myanmar on a tourist visa, to attempt some surreptitious journalism, when a category 4 typhoon, Cyclone Nargis, got to Myanmar first, striking hard in the Irrawaddy Delta region, killing thousands of Burmese people.
She found herself grounded in Bangkok, with the airport closed in Myanmar.
"I was just kind of in shock," Jessica remembers. "I was horrified about it when I learned about the number of people who'd died. I just felt I had to do something."
A major complication in visiting Myanmar, even on a good day, is that since 1962 the country has been governed by a military junta. In modern times, the regime is something of an international pariah because of its brutal human rights abuses. Since 1989, the military leadership has confined the leader of the Burmese Democracy Movement, Aung San Suu Kyi, to her home. The residence is a living shrine to those struggling, at great risk, to bring democracy back to the nation. Aung San Suu Kyi won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991.
In the wake of Cyclone Nargis, the toll of the natural disaster was exacerbated by the Myanmar regime which, having thumbed its nose at the international community for criticizing its human rights record, was determined not to show any signs of weakness by accepting foreign assistance. It told the world it could handle the tragedy on its own. There wasn't going to be any news footage of foreign relief aid being handed out to Burmese cyclone survivors.
But that wasn't going to stop her. She went to work organizing her fellow travelers waiting in Bangkok to smuggle first aid supplies into Myanmar.
"We went to a drugstore in Bangkok," she says, "and just cleaned it out, basic medical supplies. We shared them on the plane and split them among many people, in different compartments, in our clothing and spread them out to make it look like they were personal supplies."
For Davis, she had planned to wear the traditional loose, flowing clothing of the region anyway, so it just allowed her all that much more room to hide things on herself.
"I was trying not to look like a U.N. volunteer or an American tourist," she said.
She also wanted to bring things out of Myanmar. In a real sense, she was a humanitarian mission going in, and a human package of smuggled journalistic cargo, including her own photographs, coming out. She did almost all of her traveling on foot to avoid being in a car that could be searched. Her small and easily concealed Canon SD 870 camera was perfect for her photography.
"The gist of it was that I went to Burma because I was curious to learn what had happened and I still chose to go [after the Cyclone struck]," she says. "I thought that if I could get some images, then I can get out what was really going on. I felt really compelled to release the images and get those images out."
None of which surprises Suellen Pritchard.
"Oh, yeah, that's Jessica," she said when she heard about Davis's adventure. "That's the girl who left here."
The images would show that the Myanmar government was failing, miserably, to do what it said it could do, which was to address the needs of cyclone victims without outside help. But Jessica's guides also led her to Burmese nationals who wanted to smuggle out other images.
"I had a few close calls," she says. "I wound up meeting a smuggler with video of people talking about being beaten. I smuggled that out. He had interviewed monks in hiding. I mailed the videos to an advocacy organization when I got out."
She stayed a week before she had to return for a meeting in Hong Kong. Jessica says she didn't fully realize how much danger she'd put herself in until she got out, but vividly remembers being confronted at gun point when she and a British national tried to get close to the house where Aung San Suu Kyi is detained. Fortunately, she says, her British companion was able to calm the guard by speaking in Burmese while Davis held her hands out to show the guard she was submitting to his demands to leave.
As she talks about it a year and a half later, though, the memories that are the most vivid to her are from the days she spent with the Burmese people in the countryside near where the cyclone hit.
"I was struck by the generosity of the Burmese people," she says. "It was one of the most beautiful cultures I've ever experienced. They were in the midst of this horrific crisis and they were offering me food. It just blew my mind. They're so strong, that's what became apparent to me."
She confesses to being somewhat torn between her promising and successful life, now, as a busy American reporter in Southern California, and the urge to return to Burma and other places in southeast Asia where she experienced a joy and richness to life that she genuinely misses.
"I try not to think about it too much," she says, with a wistful laugh.
For now, she says, her main objective is to become a better writer, with a clear understanding that this is her gift, and the best way she can improve the world around her.
"It was really tough for me when I worked at the Center for Justice," she says about the tension between her wanting to directly pitch-in and help people, and the broader good she realizes she can do by writing about peoples' experiences.
"Helping people is really where my heart is. But my talents are in journalism. I have to focus on that because that's how I can help people."
"The Whitworthian" garners seven awards at the 2009 Region 10 Mark of Excellence Awards

Sophomore Aileen Benson received second place for Editorial Cartooning, as did the Editorial Board in the Editorial Writing category for its "In the Loop" column. Two reporters received awards in the category of Online In-Depth Reporting for their contributions last spring – second place for '09 alumna Jasmine Linabary's "The Women" series, and third place for junior Yong Kim's "Pornography: The Series."
"The second- and third-place finishes by Jasmine Linabary and Yong Kim in the online in-depth reporting were especially noteworthy," says James McPherson, associate professor of communication studies and adviser of The Whitworthian. "Both students did their comprehensive multimedia projects by themselves, using a wide variety of media tools. On the other hand, the winning project in the category involved the efforts of three faculty members and almost 30 students, most of whom were either law students or graduate students."
"Over the past few years, The Whitworthian staff has been dedicated to reporting the news we feel students need to know," says Feddes. "We've worked tirelessly to improve both our print issues and our website to ensure our readers have the most complete information possible. We have continued to expand our online presence by using many of the tools available to us on the Web. We've dedicated ourselves to accuracy and integrity, which has shaped the way we report the news."
In the category of student-run newspapers at four-year colleges and universities, The Whitworthian's seven wins were matched by the University of Washington and the University of Montana. Seattle Pacific University and Pacific Lutheran University both received five awards for their publications. The Whitworthian was nominated in 12 categories.
"These awards would also not have been possible without the support we've received from the Whitworth community," says Feddes. "The administration continually seeks to be transparent with us; ASWU supports us, not just in finances but in our continual quest to keep the campus informed as well. The faculty in the communications department has been phenomenal in their support for us, and we wouldn't be able to do what we do without their help – particularly that of our adviser, Jim McPherson. His solid support of our work and his advice have continually helped us in our success."
The Whitworthian's online edition won the 2009 Associate Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award, considered the most esteemed honor in student journalism. In both 2008 and 2007, The Whitworthian took third place in the Best All-Around Non-Daily Student Newspaper category in the Region 10 Mark of Excellence Awards. In fall 2007, the publication took third place in "Best of Show" in the four-year weekly tabloids category at the 86th annual Associated Collegiate Press/College Media Advisors National College Media Convention. In spring 2007, the newspaper won the top award in the Inland Northwest Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists 2006 Excellence in Journalism Competition. The Whitworthian won the Outstanding Achievement in Student Journalism Award in 2005.
Region 10 covers colleges and universities in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. The Society of Professional Journalists is the nation's most broad-based journalism organization, dedicated to encouraging the free practice of journalism and stimulating high standards of ethical behavior. For more information about SPJ, please visit http://www.spj.org.
The Whitworthian has served as the main source of news and sports coverage for the Whitworth community since 1905 and is run entirely by students. The newspaper's print edition is produced weekly and online content is updated daily at http://www.thewhitworthian.com.
Located in Spokane, Wash., Whitworth is a private liberal arts university affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA). The university, which has an enrollment of 2,700 students, offers 55 undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
James McPherson, associate professor of communication studies and adviser of The Whitworthian, Whitworth University, (509) 777-4429 or jmcpherson@whitworth.edu.
Emily Proffitt, public information officer, Whitworth University, (509) 777-4703 or eproffitt@whitworth.edu.
Government, Public Aid and Discrimination

On April 19, 2010, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Christian Legal Society v. Martinez. At the same time, Californians wait for an opinion from a federal judge in Perry v. Schwarzenegger. Both cases involve government financial support of and recognition of minority groups. The strange thing is that in one case Christians are in the minority and the gay community wants government to withhold recognition of the group.
In CLS, a student group at Hastings College of Law, a state school, has been denied formal recognition and funding by the law school. The school has a policy that all student groups that receive funding must be open to all students. The Christian Legal Society student group allows all students to join but limits positions of leadership to those who adhere to its mission and a lifestyle commitment—one that excludes gays. The group is allowed to exist with any policies it wants, but it will not receive funding until leadership becomes open to all students. Members of CLS say that government has violated their right of religious freedom and right to freedom of association. Their argument is that government should treat their organization the same as others.
In Perry, citizens of California have voted to change the California State Constitution so that government recognition of marriage is limited to only heterosexuals. Same-sex couples may engage in marriage ceremonies, but they will not receive government recognition or government benefits. Plaintiffs in Perry, a same-sex couple, argue that California citizens have violated the U.S. Federal Constitution’s protection of the fundamental right to marry and the Equal Protection Clause. Their argument is that government should treat their unions the same as others.
In both cases, the group is allowed to define itself according to its own identity. Same-sex partners can hold their own ceremonies. The CLS student group can hold meetings according to its own beliefs. However, in both cases government recognition of and funding of the group is at stake. In CLS, the majority is represented by the school policy. The majority says only groups that hold to a non-discrimination policy will be recognized and receive public funding. In Perry, the majority is represented by the voters of California. The majority says only marriages involving one man and one woman will be recognized and receive public benefits. In both cases, the majority is absolutely certain that it has the best interest of the community at heart. But, the minority wants to be recognized and to be treated equally, not simply allowed to exist.
The tension between gay rights and religious freedom is only just beginning to be faced by the courts. If we treat these matters as simple majority rule, litigation will never end. The self-identity of churches, schools, non-government associations, businesses and even families will be a matter of public policy debate and court battles for decades to come.
But, there is another way. If we think of government as responsible to protect different perspectives, then it seems clear that the minority groups in both of these cases should be treated similarly. Ironically, the gay community and conservative Christians have an opportunity here. They should consider banding together to argue in favor of government recognition and equitable treatment of minority views. As someone who believes in equitable treatment of both conservative Christians and the gay community, this seems to me to be common sense. Almost no one I know, however, agrees with me. The vast majority take up one side or the other. I see years of litigation ahead.
Beck Taylor appointed 18th president of Whitworth University

"The Whitworth University Board of Trustees is excited to announce the appointment of Dr. Beck Taylor as Whitworth's 18th president," says Board Chair Walt Oliver. "We are confident he brings the vision, experience and clear commitment to Whitworth's mission that will move the university forward in exciting ways. This is a great day for the entire Whitworth community."
Taylor, 40, was unanimously recommended to the board by a 14-member presidential search committee including trustees, faculty and staff members, and alumni, community and student representatives. Anne Storm and Jim Singleton, members of Whitworth's board of trustees and co-chairs of the search committee, introduced Taylor at a press conference April 17 following his election at a meeting of the board the previous day.
Taylor joined Samford University as dean and professor of economics for the Brock School of Business in 2005 after serving as associate dean for research and faculty development for the Hankamer School of Business at Baylor University, where he was also the W.H. Smith Professor of Economics. He earned his undergraduate degree from Baylor with majors in economics and finance, and he received his M.S. and Ph.D. in economics from Purdue University, in West Lafayette, Ind. In 2002, he was appointed a visiting scholar by Harvard University; he spent one year in residence at the Harvard Graduate School of Education pursuing research interests.
Whitworth University trustees honor Robinsons with naming of new science building

"It would be difficult to overstate Bill's positive impact on Whitworth; his leadership has contributed to tremendous growth and improvements on the campus as well as to a strengthened commitment to Whitworth's distinctive mission," says Board Chair Walt Oliver. "The entire Whitworth community is deeply indebted to Bill and Bonnie for all the ways they have served the university. In light of their contributions, it is appropriate for a facility that will contribute so significantly to Whitworth's mission to educate the mind and heart to be named the William P. and Bonnie V. Robinson Science Hall."
Robinson became Whitworth's 17th president in July 1993 and will be the second-longest serving president in the university's history when he steps down on June 30. During his tenure, the number of freshman applications to Whitworth has increased 565 percent to 6,397 for the coming fall; enrollment has grown 60 percent to 2,781 students while steadily improving student academic profile and selectivity; and retention and graduation rates have reached record highs well above national averages.
More than $83 million in campus improvements have been made, including a new center for the visual arts, a landmark general academic building, three new residence halls and several outdoor athletics facilities, along with the new biology/chemistry building. Financial support from alumni and friends has increased steadily, contributing to an increase of nearly $75 million in the university's endowment before the recent market downturn.
Known for his relational and approachable style, Robinson has devoted much of his energy to connecting in person and in writing with students, employees and friends of the university. His award-winning monthly newsletter, Of Mind & Heart, is read by more than 23,000 people inside and outside the Whitworth community and is one of his favorite ways to champion Whitworth's mission as well as its faculty and students.
"It is an immense honor for Bonnie and me to have a building bear our names, particularly one that is such an important reflection of Whitworth's commitment to academic excellence," Robinson says. "Knowing this facility will serve the students we love is deeply gratifying. We are very thankful to the board for recognizing us. But we know beyond any doubt that faculty, staff, donors, alumni and students have been the real heroes in Whitworth's success. Understanding our name symbolizes all of these contributions, we could not be more honored."
Whitworth broke ground in November on the new $32 million biology/chemistry building, which will be the first phase of a planned $53 million project to expand the university's science facilities.
Since 2000, Whitworth has seen a 50 percent increase in science majors, which now number more than 600 students and represent a quarter of the student body. Growth in enrollment, faculty-student research and competition for top students has created an urgent need for additional science space.
The 63,000-square-foot biology/chemistry building will house state-of-the-art laboratories, instrumentation and classrooms convertible to labs that will meet Whitworth's teaching and research needs for the next 20 years.
"I am excited about the new building because of the increased opportunities it offers for faculty-student interactions in both research and teaching laboratories," says Assistant Professor of Chemistry Kerry Breno. "Our students develop the problem-solving focus and lab skills to succeed in graduate school and industry by working with faculty in coaching/mentoring relationships; the relationships built with students in labs are strong. Therefore, I think it is entirely appropriate that the new biology/chemistry building is dedicated to Bill Robinson, who has served our campus so well by building relationships through personal interactions with all members of the community."
Located in Spokane, Wash., Whitworth is a private liberal arts university affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA). The university, which has an enrollment of 2,700 students, offers 55 undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
Michael Le Roy, vice president for academic affairs and dean of the faculty, Whitworth University, (509) 777-3702 or mleroy@whitworth.edu.
Scott McQuilkin, vice president for institutional advancement, Whitworth University, (509) 777-3423 or smcquilkin@whitworth.edu.
Greg Orwig, director of university communications, Whitworth University, (509) 777-4580 or gorwig@whitworth.edu.
Whitworth professor of East Asian history to present final Great Decisions lecture April 22
Clark's research centers on the history of Western conflict and accommodation in China, especially regarding Catholic missionary activities during the Ming through Qing (1368-1911) eras. He is the author of several academic and popular works, including books and articles on Chinese historiography, cultural interaction between China and the West, and his primary interest, the history of Sino-Western religious and cultural representation during China's late imperial to early modern era.
"Tony Clark is the perfect person for understanding China's relationship with the U.S., as he has a considerable depth of knowledge in Chinese and Western interactions throughout history," says Patrick Van Inwegen, assistant professor of political science at Whitworth.
Clark has worked at length with archival data from early European missions in China. He has also studied extensively in China, allowing him to make connections between historical interactions and modern-day China. In his first year at Whitworth, Clark has been the catalyst for a major academic conference on the role of Jesuit missions in China setting the pattern for future Chinese-Western religious dialogue.
Clark says his lecture will address how China's historical interactions with the West have shaped the country's current interactions with the U.S. Clark says that when the West first encountered China, Westerners saw the country as a poor and culturally backward place. Today, China has the fastest growing economy in the world and owns about half of America's debt. Three times more babies are born in China than in America, and China has three times more college students, he says.
"My lecture will center on how we can best understand China's present rise as a world superpower by understanding its historic relationship with the West," Clark says. "Nearly every major university scholar of China agrees that the future is China's. During my lecture I will seek to explain how we can better understand this imminent global shift, and how we can prepare for it."
For information on the upcoming lecture, please call (509) 777-3270. Great Decisions 2010 is sponsored by the Whitworth Political Science Department.
Located in Spokane, Wash., Whitworth is a private liberal arts university affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA). The university, which has an enrollment of 2,700 students, offers 55 undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
Barbara Brodrick, academic program assistant, political science department, Whitworth University, (509) 777-3270 or bbrodrick@whitworth.edu.
Emily Proffitt, public information officer, Whitworth University, (509) 777-4703 or eproffitt@whitworth.edu.
Whitworth professor of theology releases groundbreaking new book about the gospels

"The single most important conclusion of my book is that an early Christian gospel, written in Hebrew, was widely known to the early church and was utilized by Luke in the composition of the Gospel of Luke," Edwards says. "The Gospel of Luke thus depends on two prior documents, the Hebrew Gospel and the Gospel of Mark, both known to us from antiquity."
He continues, "The Gospel of Luke does not rest upon a hypothetical 'Q' source, which is an invention of Enlightenment scholars of the 19th century that is maintained still today without viable evidence. The effect of this Hebrew gospel is to ground the entire gospel tradition in sources known to antiquity, not invented in order to undergird modern prejudices."
Edwards sheds light on the fact that Matthew and Luke draw on the Gospel of Mark, not a hypothetical "Q" source, for a great deal of material. Matthew and Mark share 600 verses; Luke and Mark share 350. Literary criticism shows Mark to be the donor gospel. In addition to Mark, Edwards says an exceptionally strong case can be made to support the contention that Luke utilized material from the Hebrew Gospel as well.
Although scholars are unaware if a copy of the Hebrew Gospel has survived to modern times, Edwards cites 75 references to or quotations from the Hebrew Gospel that have survived in two dozen early Christian sources. The book goes on to provide further evidence in support of a widespread Hebrew gospel that was endowed with unusual authority and considered a primary source for the gospel of Luke.
James R. Edwards, Bruner-Welch Endowed Professor of Theology, Whitworth University, (509) 777-3274 or jedwards@whitworth.edu.
Whitworth sociology professor to deliver keynote speech April 9 at international research conference

The April 9 conference, "Responses to Cultural Homogeny: Engagement, Resistance, or Passivity," will take place at Klaipeda's LCC International University, formerly the Lithuania Christian Fund College. Tanas says participating faculty will hail from the U.S., Canada, Lithuania, Albania, Switzerland and various African countries. Students in attendance will be from all over the world, he says, including a handful from the Middle East.
"This bi-national state will be a place where no one group of a particular religion, ethnicity, or national origin dominates the political organization and administration of governance," Tanas says. "Knitting the two flags of Palestine and Israel together would give rise to a third flag of a country that may be called Pal-Is or any other name."
Tanas will conclude his lecture by urging the European Union, the U.S., the U.N. and Russia to work tirelessly to bring the Palestinians and the Israelis together to work, to live, to discover, to enjoy, and to benefit from the richness of their diversity within unity.
"When we address the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, our orientation ought not to be pro-Palestinian or Pro-Israeli, but pro-justice, for God calls us to do so in Micah 6:8," Tanas says.
The verse reads: "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God" (NIV).
Joining the Whitworth faculty in 1983, Tanas has carried out extensive research in the area of Middle Eastern and Islamic studies. The graduating senior class of 2010 voted him as the most influential male professor for the 2009-10 academic year. Since 2007, he has served as chair of the Whitworth sociology department. He was listed in the 1998 and 2000 editions of "Who's Who Among America's Teachers," and in 1989 he received the Burlington Northern Faculty Achievement Award. He is currently serving a five-year appointment with the Idaho Humanities Council Speakers Bureau on Middle Eastern affairs.
Located in Spokane, Wash., Whitworth is a private liberal arts university affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA). The university, which has an enrollment of 2,700 students, offers 55 undergraduate and graduate degree programs.
Raja S. Tanas, professor and department chair of sociology, Whitworth University, (509) 777-4516 or rtanas@whitworth.edu.
Emily Proffitt, public information officer, Whitworth University, (509) 777-4703 or eproffitt@whitworth.edu.
Renowned Spokane author Jess Walter to present endowed reading April 23 at Whitworth in honor of late professor Nadine Chapman

Whitworth to host Africa Symposium for Spokane community April 24
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Emily Proffitt, public information officer, Whitworth University, (509) 777-4703 or eproffitt@whitworth.edu.
Nanotechnology expert to speak at annual Science & Society Series April 15 at Whitworth

Nanoscience is the study of materials at the nanometer scale – one billionth of a meter – to understand the phenomena of how the size of inorganic materials and their surfaces produces new and interesting functions. Implementation of these functions in engineering is called nanotechnology and medicine. Sarikaya is a professor of materials science & engineering and chemical engineering at the University of Washington. His research revolves around molecular biomimetics, an emerging field in which hybrid technologies are developed using the tools of molecular biology and nanotechnology. Proteins, through their unique and specific interactions with other macromolecules and nanoinorganics, control structures and functions of all biological hard and soft tissues in organisms.
"During my Whitworth lecture, I hope to explain fundamentals of nanotechnology and its potential practical impact in many aspects of our lives," Sarikaya says. "I also plan to address the current trends and problems associated with the safe progress of nanotechnology and the work at our research center that brings together the traditional nanotechnology and molecular biology toward more versatile and robust implementations, both in engineering systems and in medicine."
Sarikaya and his team have discovered that through engineering proteins, they can construct materials molecularly the way nature does. Joining nanomaterials with biomolecules is difficult, because most materials, such as metals and ceramics, aren't compatible with biology, Sarikaya says. Instead of using the traditional molecular linkers, which are toxic, difficult to prepare and not durable, Sarikaya's research center is working on engineering peptides that act as glue, joining nanomaterials that have desirable engineering properties with biology, where biomacromolecules are the building blocks, similar to DNA, proteins and sugars. Genetically engineered proteins can now bind to specific molecules, and these proteins can be used in the assembly of functional nanostructures to make medicine more efficient and to build stronger materials. Plus, the products of this technology are all non-toxic and biodegradable.
Sarikaya says that nanotechnology is already advancing science in a multitude of ways. For example, there are already biosensors with more sensitivity than their older counterparts, thanks to nanophotonic effects; nanomagnetic devices are able to store more data than before; nanonelectronics have miniature multifunctional devices; and molecular materials are able to withstand more and complex mechanical forces toward novel applications, such as nanotubes-based nanocomposites used in the new Boeing 787. He says advances in nanotechnology also will inevitably affect several other technological revolutions, such as in energy, information technologies, biotechnology and medicine. Some of these advancements include compact, highly efficient energy devices; highly sensitive bio- and chemical sensors; molecular- and nano-probes for multifunctional cancer detection; and nano- and molecular-composite materials for structural applications.
During his lecture, Sarikaya also will address the risks associated with nanotechnology products and procedures. For example, although they are commonly used in cosmetics, the real effects of nanoparticles such as titanium oxide and zinc oxide in skin products such as creams are not well known, he says. In addition, although they are effectively used in pharmacology, drug-carrying nanoparticles such as gold, silica, magnetite and other materials that are dispersed in the body and the environment are not yet fully tested. Sarikaya says scientists and engineers are working with experts in fields that might be affected by nanotechnology, such as toxicologists and environmentalists, to examine carefully the potential effects of nanotechnology and to devise ways to implement precautionary procedures.
Sarikaya received his Ph.D. and master's degree from the University of California, Berkeley; he earned his bachelor's degree at Middle East Technical University, in Ankara, Turkey.
The Science & Society Lecture Series was created by Whitworth trustees, faculty and administrators to increase understanding and awareness of scientific advances and issues that influence areas including public policy, law, ethics and business. The annual series features experts who address current scientific issues that are of interest to the general public.
Located in Spokane, Wash., Whitworth is a private liberal arts university affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA). The college, which has an enrollment of 2,700 students, offers more than 55 undergraduate and graduate degree programs.